Light Object

Galería Cayón (Madrid, Spain)
Mar 13 – Apr 23, 2021

David Magán presented a single piece “Light Object 01” in the Blanca de Navarra Space.

Light Object 01 is directly derived from the new Spectrum series, presented at the CAB Burgos (Burgos Art centre). It is a new body of work that, in the words of the artist, “evidences the material nature of light and its possibilities of reflection on different surfaces, transforming the space into an immersive experience, in which games of additive colour are the protagonists”.

The three primary colours of light –red, green and blue– are projected onto freestanding white panels, which constitute a geometric body. The projected light is modulated and shaped by the object it is projected onto. Thanks to the white surfaces, the theatrical play of light reveals part of the visible spectrum, allowing the viewer to discover an infinity of colour nuances.

Unlike Spectrum, this piece –which begins a new series of constructed objects– moves away from the installative, and stands as a box in which interior spaces reveal the materiality of the body and different visual contrasts. Light Object 01 is an object subjected to the space surrounding it, which in turn becomes dependent on the piece. Light and object transform the architecture, creating a new void that can be navigated and inhabited by the viewer.